jueves, 28 de enero de 2016

Tai chi for PD

The University of Delaware is fighting the Parkinson’s disease with tai chi.
People with the nervous system disorder struggle with substantially impaired balance. Along with other benefits, balance is something that the Chinese martial art is very adept at improving.

So the Parkinson’s Clinic at the University of Delaware Nurse Managed Primary Care Center pushed aside the chairs in a Science, Technology and Advanced Research (STAR) Campus conference room and turned it into a makeshift martial arts studio.
The class just finished its inaugural run under instructor Russ Mason, a retired UD professor who spent the majority of his Blue Hen days in the English Language Institute.
The veteran martial artist started teaching himself tai chi from a library book in the mid-1960s. He’s made many trips to China and all over the world to study under top teachers.
Mason’s mother-in-law was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. As he watched her struggle with the progression of the illness, he pondered on how his beloved martial art could benefit those afflicted with the disease.
“I thought, ‘Tai chi is so wonderful for health, balance and mobility.’ I was curious about its practicality for Parkinson’s,” Mason said, “so last spring, I attended a lecture where the co-founder of the Michael J. Fox Foundation [Deborah Brooks] spoke at UD.”
Mason raised his hand to ask a question and, by chance, the person who handed him the microphone was Ingrid Pretzer-Aboff, associate professor in the School of Nursing and founder of the Parkinson’s Clinic. Well-versed on research on tai chi and Parkinson’s disease, she soon struck up a conversation with Mason about doing a class at the STAR Campus.
“We preach the need to exercise to all our Parkinson’s patients,” said Pretzer-Aboff. “Tai chi is wonderful for balance, confidence, function, walking and decreasing falls.”
So Mason started teaching a class during the fall semester in a four-month beta trial. Class participants saw immediate benefits.
“You can pretty much feel the benefits right away. In addition to improving balance, the mental relaxation [that Russ teaches] is so helpful,” says class participant Scott DeBoda, who noted that he is also hitting the golf ball better upon taking the class.
The form of tai chi that Mason teaches to the Parkinson’s patients is a short, simple method called Tai Chi Fundamentals. The model is developmentally staged so that people learn basic balance principles, including how to turn on a weighted hip and how to take a balanced step — all important skills for someone with Parkinson’s.
“I feel my balance getting better,” said participant Tom McDowell, an 85-year-old Newark man who’s taken part in several studies at UD. “I had been starting to take smaller steps. Since I started the tai chi class, I’m able to take a longer step again.”
McDowell’s wife, Nancy Coning, who takes the class alongside him, says that with tai chi, Tom will make it to 110 years old.
“I’m not going to last that long,” she joked.
With the success of the introductory lessons, plans are underway to offer another tai chi class starting in the spring.
Those who are interested in tai chi or other offerings from the Parkinson’s Clinic can contact Pretzer-Aboff at iaboff@udel.edu.



miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016


Cupping: terapia de medicina china que eligen las famosas como Jennifer Aniston y Thalía

El cupping, o ventosas chinas, ya no es un secreto de belleza reservado para las mujeres de ese país oriental. Aparentemente, ¡celebridades como Jennifer Aniston y Gwyneth Paltrow también aprovechan sus beneficios! Entérate de qué se trata este tratamiento, y conoce a más famosos que lo usan, mostrando las marcas en su cuerpo orgullosamente.
¿De qué se trata?
Esta terapia es una forma de medicina alternativa en la cual se colocan ventosas o tazas sobre la piel para provocar succión, como explica WebMD. ¿El objetivo? Movilizar la circulación de la sangre para promover la curación de una gran variedad de afecciones: el acné, las várices y la hipertensión sanguínea entre ellas.
Eso sí: a veces deja marcas temporarias en la piel. Pero, afortunadamente, esto no evita que los famosos la prueben. Conoce quiénes podrían usarla.

Jennifer Aniston
Aunque están cubiertas con un poco de maquillaje, pueden verse lo que parecerían ser las marcas de las ventosas chinas. ¡Mira!

Fuente:   www.msn.com

sábado, 16 de enero de 2016

5 Healing plants against depression and stress

Also called the “XXI century disease”, nowadays depression is one of the most serious health problem of modern society. Proportions of people affected by depression or light depression are 18-20%.  In other word, world,  one out five persons suffer of depression.
 Depression and stress should not be ignored. In order to treat depression and stress, I do not agree with medication for many reasons ( like addiction). Healing plants are a great remedy in order to treat this problem.  Using healing plants for this problem, will help us to regain our psycho-emotional balance.
It is known that when cold season comes we are more likely to be sad and depressed. If this condition lasts more than 2 weeks, you should take more precautions. But I”m sure that with an optimistic thinking and some healing plants, we can go through depression.

Healing plants against depression and stress:

  • Lemon balm (Mellisa officinalis) has invigorating effects on the psyche, favoring optimistic thinking. This plant is used when you have restlessness and sleep difficulties. Using this plant, there are not side effects.  You will still be focused and pay attention. This plant has been used since ancient times to treat psycho-emotional diseases, and today is appreciated for its benefits.
  • Tutsan it is also known as “soul’s plant”. This plant leads to a calm and quiet condition and it’s considered a natural antidote against sadness and melancholy.
  • Valerian has a relaxing effect, reduces the sleep time and eliminates the morning drowsiness. This is the most used healing plant, being popular for its effects against anxiety, stress and insomnia.
  • Fenugreek is a neuromuscular stimulus that confers vital energy of the body.
  • Passion flower contributes in reducing the restlessness and nervousness feeling. Alsi, supports the eliminating of dependencies and fights against panic attacks.  

Fuente: www.clean-your-body.com

5 Healing Plants that clean the lungs

Today I will suggest you some healing plants that help you to clean the lungs and to prevent respiratory infections. Colds and flu can occur in every season and is very important to take care of our lungs and prevent respiratory infections.
When you take pills, your liver is affected.  These healing plants are a natural remedy and do not affect your liver.

5 Healing Plants that clean the lungs

1. Licorice root 
One of the healing plants is licorice root that is used in traditional Chinese medicine. Is is considered a great remedy against respiratory tract infections because cleans the nose, throat and lungs. It is also an effective natural expectorant.
2. Thyme
Thyme is very strong in the fight against lung congestion. Thyme produces strong antiseptic oils that are classified as natural antibiotics and antifungals. Thyme has been used as a remedy for lung problems since antiquity. Today is still used in order to prevent and treat respiratory tract infections and pneumonia bacterial infections.
3. Oregano
Oregano is one of the most effective healing plants. Carvacrol and rosemary compounds that oregano contains help to  natural decongest. Also, has antihistamine properties which reduce inflammation and irritation of the respiratory tract. Oregano is a natural antibiotic.
4. Coltsfoot
Coltsfoot leaves have emollient and expectorant, choleretic, cholagogue, antispasmodic, tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. Preparations made with coltsfoot leaves, are recommended, especially in the treatment of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, laryngitis, asthma, emphysema, silicosis and  even tuberculosis in the initial stage.
5. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is a common ingredient in candy/pills syrups against cough. Its effectiveness is due to a compound called cineole. Cineol has many benefits – it is an expectorant, can ease coughing,  fight against congestion and alleviate irritated sinus passages.

5 Plants that purify the blood

Do you feel tired, your hands and feet are swollen and your skin is dry? These can be signs that your blood is full of toxins and residues that should be removed. In this articles you will read about 5 plants that purify your blood. It is important for your blood to be “clean” and healthy, in order to prevent some diseases and also to avoid drying, irritation and premature aging.
The organs responsible for cleaning the blood and removing toxins are kidneys and liver. A good method through we help them is to adopt a balanced and healthy diet that includes teas or infusions that improve blood detoxification process.
Before to explain what plants help you to purify your blood, it is important to know, that also some aliments can do it. Fruits like lemons, grapes, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, berries, kiwi and strawberries can purify your blood. Vegetables like garlic, onions, carrots, celery, parsley, cabbage are great in blood purifying.
1. Burdock Root to purify the blood 
It is an excellent plant for  lymphatic and circulatory system detoxification. You can find it in food stores and is recognized for its properties that improve blood circulation, prevent water retention, etc. You can drink two cups of burdock root tea per day by adding a teaspoon of burdock root tincture  in a cup of boiling water.
2. Elderflower to purify the blood 
Is an effective natural laxative and also has detoxifying and antiseptic proprieties. Reduces inflammation  and is a natural antibacterial and astringent agent. Cleanses the blood and helps the liver and kidneys to detoxify. Just drink a cup of elderflower tea after each meal.
3. Nettle to purify the blood 
Nettle is very effective for detoxification easily removes toxins from the blood and throughout the body. It has diuretic properties and is good for the liver and kidneys. I’m sure you already hear about its the excellent proprieties. Drink a cup of nettle tea every afternoon.
4. Dandelion to purify the blood 
Is an ideal tea to drink it in afternoon. Put some dandelion flowers in a cup with boiled water and leave it to infuse 5 minutes.
5. Hyssop to purify the blood 
Have you ever heard of the amazing properties of hyssop to detoxify the blood and eliminate unhealthy fats from your body? You can find this herb in herbal stores.  Drink two cups of tea per day (add a teaspoon of herbs in a cup of boiling water).

Fuente: www.clean-your-body.com

Natural remedies for bad breath

Studies show that 40% of the population suffers at least once in a lifetime of halitosis ( or simply said: bad breath). In most of the cases, bad breath origins are in the mouth. Its intensity varies throughout the day, depending on food intake, smoking and alcohol consumption that are also decisive factors.
Halitosis (bad breath) can be fought successfully through herbal preparations. It’s very unpleasant to confront with bad breath. At work, meetings, parties etc. you have to socialize and speak to people and you always need to have a fresh breath. In this article you will find natural remedies for bad breath.
An old quote says that it is easier to prevent, that to combat. So, to avoid the bad breath problem, it is important to follow some basic rules in oral hygiene. Regular tooth brushing at least two times a day, brushing the tongue, flossing (floss) and mouthwash are the essential steps in maintaining oral health.
Natural remedies for bad breath 
Plant mixture for internal use: Cumin fruits (20 g), eucalyptus leaves (20 g), fennel fruit (20 g), bay leaves (20 g), peppermint leaves (30 g), anise fruit(30 g). How to prepare:  Keep all the mixture ( dried and ground) in a 1 liter of red wine and 200 ml of alcohol ( 70 degrees) for 10 days. Drink  every day 3 small glasses of this mixture.
Nuts: Mix 3 nut leave with 250 ml of water. Boil 5 minutes. Rinse your mouth with this mixture after every meal.
Rosemary: Repeat the same procedure as with nut leaves, but use 1 tablespoon of rosemary leaves.
Thyme: Mix 2 tablespoon of thyme with 250 ml of water and boil for 5-10 minutes. Leave the mixture to infuse for 15 minutes. Rinse your mouth after every meal with this mixture.
Plant mixture for external use: Yarrow flowers (15 g), calamus rhizomes (10g),  chamomile flowers (10 g) and fenugreek fruit(10 g). Prepare a tea and rinse your mouth after every meal.

Fuente: www.clean-your-body.com

Two Ingredients Remedy for Smokers Cough

The following effective remedy  is recommended especially for smokers, but also nonsmokers can use it, as it will have an amazing effect on the entire body. This remedy is very simple to prepare it and you need only 2 ingredients. The secret of this remedy stays hidden in the nutshell. Let’s find out the two ingredients remedy for smokers cough.
Two Ingredients Remedy for Smokers Cough
Ingredients for one day dose: 
– shells from 1 nut
– 300 ml of water
Procedure: All you have to do is to prepare a  nutshells “tea”. I refer to the wood part of the shell, not the green one. Put the water in a kettle and also put the nutshells. Boil the mixture until you have 200 ml of water. It will be more easier to measure the quantity if you have a gradually kettle. After boiling and having only 200 ml of water, leave the “tea” to cool. You should drink this tea only when is cold. You can prepare it in the night, to drink it in the morning. If you don’t like the taste, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey.
You should consume thins drink every day, on the empty stomach, for 30 days. After this cure, you will notice an amazing effect on your lungs, successfully removing harmful substances accumulated over time through smoking. Also this mixture will remove blockages of the arteries, improving blood flow which will lead to improve heart functioning, especially knowing that reducing artery is often a sign of chronic nicotine poisoning!
After these 30 days, is not recommended to quit of this cure, you should drink it from time to time. Because is the cold season, you should now that this tea is recommended for people who want to treat their cough.

Fuente: www.clean-your-body.com

Best Plants for a Good Night’s Sleep

There are some periods in your life or is a continuous problem when you can’t sleep well. In this article you will find out about best plants that will help you to have a good night’s sleep.  Again, using nature can help you to resolve different health problems in a easy way.
It is well known that plants act like an air filter and oxygenate it. Moreover, some  plants combat insomnia, improving the quality of sleep. In addition, these plants can cheer up any home. Discover what plants helps you to sleep well and place them in the bedroom to resolve the lack of sleep and disturbed sleep.
Best Plants for a Good Night’s Sleep:
Lavender – Its smell is unmistakable. Lavender is used in the composition of soaps, perfumes, shampoos or shower gels, and even we can use it in the preparation of sweets. Lavender is one of many plants which helps you to sleep and, moreover, is an effective remedy for anxiety. Scientists have revealed that inhaling the fragrance directly from the plant has sedative effects. So, if  you don’t have lavender in your home, buy you one and enjoy the curative virtues.
Aloe Vera – You certainly know that extract juice from the leaves of Aloe Vera treats skin lesions – scratches, bites or sunburn – alleviates skin scars and maintain  the skin youth. Moreover, this juice helps to detoxify the body. However, aloe vera annihilates of toxic from cleaning agents. Very interesting it is that when the level of toxic substances in the home is high on the leaves of Aloe Vera appear brown spots. The plant effectively purify the air in your home, improving sleep quality.
Jasmine – Jasmine has soothing properties that are certified by studies carried out by of the most important American universities, the University of Washington Wheeling. The scientists highlighted that the positive effects of jasmine include improving the quality of sleep and decrease the anxiety. The positive effects of this plant may be enhanced if trumpet flower stands beside.

Fuente: www.clean-your-body.com

Incredible Method to Remove 8 kg of Toxins From Your Body

Large intestine or colon is the terminal segment of the digestive system. It is particularly important to take care of colon health because it fulfills a large number of essential functions in the body, including the absorption of water and electrolytes from the undigested food. 
When the colon is not working properly, toxic residues adhering to its walls and it gradually accumulates and can not be eliminated from the body.
The digestive process takes 24 hours. Some foods and drinks help to regulate the digestive system, while other foods such as those low in enzymes, nutrients and fiber, may affect the digestive system. In such cases, the wastes get eliminated much later, at 70 hours after ingestion of food.
In this article you will find out an incredible method to remove 8 kg of toxins from your body.
Incredible Method to Remove 8 kg of Toxins From Your Body
People who suffering from toxic colon can have the following symptoms:
– Weakness, vaginal infections, rash and urinary tract infections
– Mood disorders, anxiety, poor memory, depression and chronic fatigue
– Muscle and joint pain
– Abdominal pain, flatulence, indigestion, bloating, diarrhea or constipation
Cleaning and detoxification program usually it takes a period of 10-16 days.
– 250 ml of water
– 2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup
– 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
– fresh lemon juice from 1/2 lemon
Procedure: All you have to do is to mix all the ingredients and drink the obtained mixture 8 times per day. Try it and your body will thank you. You will eliminate all the toxins, you will be healthy, happy and energised.

Fuente:  www.clean-your-body.com

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Sabías que si inhalas esta planta puedes aumentar tu memoria en más de un 75%

El Romero gracias a sus grandes propiedades se ha utilizado desde tiempos remotos para curar y tratar diversos problemas de salud que van desde la hipertensión arterial, la caída del pelo y el sobrepeso. El romero es una planta que también tiene su utilidad en la cocina.
¿Aluna vez te has preguntado cómo podrías de forma natural ampliar tu memoria y corregir problemas de la misma?. Pues esta planta permite que nuestras células nerviosas puedan comunicarse mejor entre sí y mejorar potencialmente la memoria y el cálculo mental a largo plazo. Esto gracias a que descompone la acetilcolina, una sustancia que se encuentra ampliamente distribuida en el sistema nervioso central en nuestro cerebro.

Desde tiempo de la era Isabelina al período romántico esta planta ha sido considerada como la hierba de la memoria. En la obra de Hamlet de Shakespeare, Ofelia menciona: “Hay romero, eso es para el recuerdo.” Además de que el romero ha sido utilizado como símbolo de duración y recuerdo en las bodas así como en los funerales de Australia y Europa para recodar a los fallecidos.
Pero la cosa va más allá, la tradición del romero para recordar es más antigua de lo que se piensa, sus orígenes comienzan en el mundo árabe de la época medieval. En el tratado francés Rembert Dodoens, se escribió lo siguiente: “Los Arrabians y sus sucesores Physitions, qué dicen que Rose Marie consuela el brayne, la memoria y los sentidos hacia el interior, aquel que restaura el habla, sobre todo la conserva hecha de las flores del romero, de la misma azúcar, que se recibirán todos los días.”
Debido a esta asociación aparentemente el romero era utilizado como una especie de amuleto, la cual se colocaba debajo de la almohada, o simplemente se olía sus ramos, como formas de proteger a la persona de las pesadillas mientras dormía, así como aumentar su capacidad de almacenar información y en su memoria.
Pero lo más fascinante de todo es que varias investigaciones científicas han demostrado con resultados el efecto del romero en nuestra memoria.
Un estudio realizado por Moss, Cook, Wesnes, y Duckett (2003); concluyo que el la inhalación del aceite de romero ha jugado un papel importante en la aromaterapia como un agente que promueve la claridad mental así como el mejoramiento en forma significativa de la memoria en general.
Un estudio reciente hecho en 2012 realizado con 28 personas de avanzada edad (que promediaba ente los 75-85 años) encontró mejoras significativas en el rendimiento cognitivo de 21 de las personas que inhalaron polvo seco de hojas de romero.

También fue identificado por Mark Moss y Lorena Oliver en la Universidad de Northumbria que el romero posee 1,8-cineol un compuesto que es responsable de que nuestra memoria tenga un mayor rendimiento cognitivo de hasta un 75%.
Ahora bien, se estará usted preguntado: ¿Pero cómo es posible que solo el aroma de una planta pueda mejorar la capacidad de nuestra memoria? La cual es una gran pregunta, pero la respuesta es que unos de los trabajos científicos de Mark Moss hacen referencia a un compuesto llamado terpenos que son pequeñas moléculas orgánicas volátiles que posee el romero el cual puede pasar por el torrente sanguíneo a través de la mucosa nasal o pulmonar y llegar de forma fácil al cerebro actuando sobre el cerebro como receptores del de la memoria y el sistemas de enzimas.
Esperamos que puedas sacarle provecho al romero y potencializar tu memoria, así tal vez te vaya mejor en próximo examen o recordando cosas ya pasadas. El romero es una planta que ser cultivada fácilmente en casa de forma abundante, así que haz tu propia cosecha en tu jardín.

Fuente: www.aldeaviral.com

Sir Ken Robinson TED 2010 (subtítulos en español)

domingo, 3 de enero de 2016


Conté mis años y descubrí, que tengo menos tiempo para vivir de aquí en adelante, que el que viví hasta ahora…
Me siento como aquel niño que ganó un paquete de ...dulces: los primeros los comió con agrado, pero, cuando percibió que quedaban pocos, comenzó a saborearlos profundamente.
Ya no tengo tiempo para reuniones interminables, donde se discuten estatutos, normas, procedimientos y reglamentos internos, sabiendo que no se va a lograr nada.
Ya no tengo tiempo para soportar a personas absurdas que, a pesar de su edad cronológica, no han crecido.
Ya no tengo tiempo para lidiar con mediocridades.
No quiero estar en reuniones donde desfilan egos inflados.
No tolero a manipuladores y oportunistas.
Me molestan los envidiosos, que tratan de desacreditar a los más capaces, para apropiarse de sus lugares, talentos y logros.
Las personas no discuten contenidos, apenas los títulos.
Mi tiempo es escaso como para discutir títulos.
Quiero la esencia, mi alma tiene prisa…
Sin muchos dulces en el paquete…
Quiero vivir al lado de gente humana, muy humana.
Que sepa reír, de sus errores.
Que no se envanezca, con sus triunfos.
Que no se considere electa, antes de hora.
Que no huya, de sus responsabilidades.
Que defienda, la dignidad humana.
Y que desee tan sólo andar del lado de la verdad y la honradez.
Lo esencial es lo que hace que la vida valga la pena.
Quiero rodearme de gente, que sepa tocar el corazón de las personas…
Gente a quien los golpes duros de la vida, le enseñó a crecer con toques suaves en el alma.
Sí… tengo prisa… por vivir con la intensidad que sólo la madurez puede dar.
Pretendo no desperdiciar parte alguna de los dulces que me quedan…
Estoy seguro que serán más exquisitos que los que hasta ahora he comido.
Mi meta es llegar al final satisfecho y en paz con mis seres queridos y con mi conciencia.
Tenemos dos vidas y la segunda comienza cuando te das cuenta que sólo tienes una.

Mario de Andrade
Poeta, novelista, ensayista y musicólogo brasileño