sábado, 16 de enero de 2016

Two Ingredients Remedy for Smokers Cough

The following effective remedy  is recommended especially for smokers, but also nonsmokers can use it, as it will have an amazing effect on the entire body. This remedy is very simple to prepare it and you need only 2 ingredients. The secret of this remedy stays hidden in the nutshell. Let’s find out the two ingredients remedy for smokers cough.
Two Ingredients Remedy for Smokers Cough
Ingredients for one day dose: 
– shells from 1 nut
– 300 ml of water
Procedure: All you have to do is to prepare a  nutshells “tea”. I refer to the wood part of the shell, not the green one. Put the water in a kettle and also put the nutshells. Boil the mixture until you have 200 ml of water. It will be more easier to measure the quantity if you have a gradually kettle. After boiling and having only 200 ml of water, leave the “tea” to cool. You should drink this tea only when is cold. You can prepare it in the night, to drink it in the morning. If you don’t like the taste, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey.
You should consume thins drink every day, on the empty stomach, for 30 days. After this cure, you will notice an amazing effect on your lungs, successfully removing harmful substances accumulated over time through smoking. Also this mixture will remove blockages of the arteries, improving blood flow which will lead to improve heart functioning, especially knowing that reducing artery is often a sign of chronic nicotine poisoning!
After these 30 days, is not recommended to quit of this cure, you should drink it from time to time. Because is the cold season, you should now that this tea is recommended for people who want to treat their cough.

Fuente: www.clean-your-body.com

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