lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014


Discover the science behind the interconnection of all things in the Universe


Do you know how you are connected to all 7, 273,405, 490 people in the world?     Do you understand the connection that you share with all living things and also which patterns, that are found all across the Universe, are also found in you?
Discover amazing ideas that will not only help to change THE WORLD… these ideas will also help change YOUR WORLD.
 When you begin to truly see and understand how THE Universe is interconnected, YOUR Universe begins to expand and you begin to more deeply feel the connections that are all around you.
This documentary film explores new understandings in science that reveal a bigger picture of interconnection than we have ever imagined.  The first time that we looked back at Earth from space … humanity was changed forever.  When we changed our perspective (by rising above all the barriers and separations in our world) we could more easily see the Earth as one interconnected system… ONE planet, ONE home. There was a conscious shift in our understanding of the interconnected "butterfly effect" where each action in one part of the world would create a reaction somewhere else in the world.  This film makes connections on a universal scale. 

Einstein changed humanities future when he made a connection between space and time in his theory of relativity.  Einstein made many invaluable contributions to physics and many of the technologies we enjoy in our modern world.  Yet, Einstein died with what he felt was his most important work unfinished.  Literally on his death bed he asked for his glasses, his pencils, and his equations seeking to create a unified theory that would connect cosmological physics and quantum physics.  He knew what this would mean to humanity… but in the end he ran out of time…

Nassim Haramein, the Director of Research at the Resonance Foundation, was deeply inspired by Einstein and continued to pursue  Einstein's idea that geometry held the key to creating a unified equation for the Universe.  For decades,  Nassim Haramein continued to explore solutions and finally made a huge breakthrough.

Science moves forward when theories that make predictions, are later confirmed by experimental results.  In the film, we show the bold new prediction Nassim Haramein makes about the proton.  The film discusses the confirmed experimental results and their implications.  He also makes a connection between the work of Max Planck (one of the father's of Quantum Physics) and Einstein, that allows Haramein to include gravity into quantum physics for the first time!!

New understandings in science are also revealing to us that at a quantum level, there is a dynamic and energetic flow in nature that connects every proton with every other proton in the Universe.  These new understandings could have a profound effect on our future science.
Space is not empty.  This action, reaction, connection, and interconnection, is creating a dynamic flow in the Universe.  Simply put, it could be thought of as "the Universe is dancing with energy".

This flow of energy is not just at a cosmic level, it also flows inside you.  When you discover the other ways that your physical body is connected to the Universe, you may never look at yourself the same way again.
Connection is one of the most valuable things we have in life.   The amount of connection you have with someone transforms an acquaintance… into a friend…into a best friend.  Connection transforms a date… into a fiancé… into a soul mate.  When you love someone… you feel a deep connection to them.  Feeling more connected strengthens your relationship with yourself and with those around you.
It is my hope that this film will also help those of you who suffer from the feelings of separation and loneliness.  This suffering can be overcome by understanding and feeling more connected.

Feeling connection is important because connection is a base human need.  It is fundamental to the human experience.  So much of the pain in our world comes from a feeling of disconnection and disconnected/selfish behaviours.  If you think that connection is not essential, know that one of the worst tortures human beings endure is being put in solitary confinement, with no connection to people or to nature.  The longer a person is "disconnected" the greater the suffering.
How do you see the world around you? How are you experiencing life?  The way you see the world is directly connected to how you perceive the world.

Seeing actually happens in the brain.  The eyes are just the lenses that turn light into signals for the brain to process.  In your brain you have a left hemisphere and a right hemisphere.  Enhancing the connection between these hemispheres allows you to "see" and "perceive" more information and more connection in what you look at.  It also allows you to see new possibilities and new solutions where they may not have been visible before.

Being a filmmaker has led me on a fascinating journey.  I have had a lifetime of meeting people who are among the best in the world at what they do in a diverse array of fields.  I have heard amazing ideas, and I have seen amazing things, which is why I am so passionate about sharing these ideas with you in THE CONNECTED UNIVERSE!!!
Learning to see "THE BIGGER PICTURE" allows us to see new solutions and come up with new ideas.  There is a lot at stake.  I believe that these understandings can bring about positive changes in our technology, energy production, transportation, consciousness, and in our health.  Humanity has the opportunity to build on the best of our past and transcend our separations.
We do not just enter the future we create it.  I believe that together, we can create a future where more people are actively seeking to unlock their full potential and also that humanity unites and works together to help reach our collective human potential.
Take a look at the first trailer that focuses on the scientist in the film, Nassim Haramein.

We can accomplish more together…

We have some amazing ideas and sequences that we want to include in the film that will make a huge impact in peoples understanding.  They require a team of animation and visual effect specialists to help finish.  A great deal of filming has been done in the past 2 years to help bring these important ideas to life.  The major challenge has been to make these complex ideas as understandable and widely accessible as possible. Post Production is where the film all comes together.  This is why we are so grateful for your support and sponsorship of this project. 
The entertainment industry invests tens of millions into movies, and millions into network television programs for our enjoyment.  I love movies.  It is why I became a film maker.   I have been deeply moved and inspired by great movies.
This is exactly why I think it is so critical to also create HIGH QUALITY films about ideas that matter, ideas that can help people, and ideas that can inspire solutions to the challenges facing our world.  Quality filmmaking requires a great deal of money.  Every single contribution means a great deal to us.  We are asking for your support in helping raise at least $150,000 to add critical extras required to take this film to the next level.  Even greater support allows us to expand the film even further and also enhance the films quality.  Quality is critical if we want to reach people… touch their hearts and open their minds.   Every single dollar counts, and allows us to make it possible.
Programs like the new COSMOS television series are beautifully done. They have a very significant budget for each episode.  Decades of humanitarian work, have made me extremely resourceful in making every dollar count and getting its impact on the screen.  As a result, we have had exceptional comments from industry experts regarding the quality of the program that we are creating.
This is not only your opportunity to "Be the change you want to see in the world" but also to "FUND the change you want to see in the world."  

Material extraído de la página  INDIEGOGO


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