viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015


In those yesterdays when fiercely practiced Tae Kwon Do, my body had an energy that would balance perfectly with the energy plan of a young man with a truly barbaric health.
There is a belief, that from my point of view is totally true and I will try to explain why there is every reason it is working and Buddhist monks about the elasticity that the human body should keep acquiring long life and attack more efficiently diseases, such as the characteristics reflecting fresh bamboo sticks, which we know in their physical properties is to have a unique hardness and elasticity characteristics, plus other exciting features that will not be subject of my blog right now. The simple act of going to the doctor and give us the signal stoop and touching the toes with the fingers of our hands, virtually reflect if our physical and immune system is in optimal condition or something is lacking.

Elasticity is the link that will take us to the people of more than forty years to stop forcefully accelerated aging process along with a change of power that weigh us to better physical and health outcomes.
Many Tibetan monks perform under the shade of trees elastic exercise, creating a circle of energy that channels the internal Chi to a projection of energy control. Many of them more than 70 years have moves as fast as many young people thanks to the ongoing work of the tools of body elasticity. This technique fine of more than 2,500 years leads to create a healthy environment in the inner spirit itself to grant us greater happiness with us and who surrounds us.

The wisdom of the monks of Shaolin taught to be guided by the elasticity of bamboo rather than the brittle tree immobility. Fresh plants are soft and full of life force at the time of his death they are withered and dry, why is that the rigidity and inflexibility are the disciples of death, a human being comes to life being soft and delicate a tree is not ductile can be easily broken.

I recommend daily morning when you wake up the following exercise is simply touching the tips of the toes with your hands at least ten times. When your body achieves fully place the palms of your hands on the instep of your feet you reach the first objective and the same body will thank enormities, they will witness a tremendous change in his being, and culminating step is that your abdominal stay parallel to your abdomen then that will be the showpiece and it can reflect your system immediately. In my case, what I do is this exercise sequentially during the day, when I'm home I seek any time to get off my back into the abdomen and touch my toes, this has become a habit and I found it excellent energy stimulator.

The poses of yoga are tremendous and that is why people who have reached such levels of health practice and tremendous energy. I leave some photos of basic exercises to begin to practice and improve their health, these positions are really fundamental and Yoga for beginners. Practice it even five minutes a day and life and body will thank enormities, and even if you are a person practicing high impact exercises or run every day, do not let the stiffness witness your physical improvement, always go with her body elasticity and you will feel a change of 180 degrees in all personnel and energy plan.

Carlos Martínez Marquina
Alternative Medicine and Engineer
Eden Prairie MN.

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