martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015


There is absolutely no doubt with regards to the ill effects of smoking on lungs and your overall health. Most of the smokers who quit smoking don’t really feel the need to detoxify the lungs after they quit; however, it is very essential, if you want fast reparation of your lungs.
Since, years of smoking the harmful chemicals in cigarettes accumulate in your lungs, it is quite impossible to remove them in a few days. Thus, if you are unaware, you might want to go through a thorough detoxification regime for a month or longer depending on your health.

Lungs Detoxification

Lifestyle Changes

Lung cleansing and detox has to do quite a lot with one’s lifestyle. Thus, stay away from a lifestyle where you will have to use artificial sweeteners, excessive sugar, bad salt, and chemicals. Moreover, also cut down the intake of junk and processed food, sodas, dairy, wheat and meat.

Discard Toxic Household Chemicals & Improve Indoor Air

Cut down the use of bleaches, detergents, cleansers and air fresheners in your house to ensure that you aren’t breathing in chemicals. Instead, you can also place more plants around your house or install commercial air cleaners to get the indoor air cleaned up for better and cleaner air circulation.

Natural Lung Detoxification and Acupuncture

Natural lungs detoxifications involve the use of American Indian, Chinese, Ayurvedic and European traditional medicine. Acupuncture and Sauna are two methods that have shown great results when used for healing the lungs of those who quit smoking.

Yoga and Exercise

Exercising or performing yoga is yet another way to detox your lungs. These will naturally allow you to breathe deep while enhancing your control and coordination over your body and mind.

Drinking Water And Juices

Drinking plenty of water is considered as the easiest way to detoxify your health. If you want a bit of change in taste, lemon water also cleanses your system of nicotine. Cranberry also greatly helps the process of detox or cleansing because it is laden with antioxidant. On the other hand, fruit and vegetable juices also defend and protect you from all sorts of diseases connected to smoking.  Also you might want to check out green tea since it also comes with a lot of antioxidant.


There are some of the most commonly used grocery items and others that can be of great help if you are looking to get yourself a lungs detox. Things like garlic, which is extremely useful in cleansing your body of nicotine and other poisonous substances; high fiber foods including raw green leafy vegetables, beans, carrots, cabbage, brown rice, asparagus, kale and peas; Ginger can assist the body to sweat. Perspiration in turn releases toxins from the body system.


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