lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

8 Secrets Your Tongue Reveals About Your Health

Occasionally, our body sends us signals that we’re not in the best health. One of its many ways is through the tongue.
The way the tongue looks can actually say a lot.

Stick out your tongue in front of a mirror, say “ahh”, and here’s what to look for:

1. Dark coloration

Dark patches on the tongue indicate you aren’t using good oral hygiene. Use a good toothpaste and always floss and rinse.

. Bright red
If your tongue looks strawberry red, it means you may not be getting all the vitamins you need. Improve your diet or add multivitamins

3. White and powdery

White and powdery looking tongue indicates that you may have a yeast infection. See a doctor to take care of it.

4. White patches

White patches mean that something might be bothering your mouth. It could be your toothpaste, mouth wash, or even food you’ve been eating lately.

5. Cracking

Cracking and fissures in the tongue is a normal sign of aging. You are at a higher risk of infection. Make sure you’re taking extra good care of your oral hygiene.

6. Small red lumps

This is a certain sign of oral cancer. See a doctor at once!

7. Burning sensations

If your tongue is burning, it’s a signal that you’ve entered menopause. If you know for sure that you haven’t, it’s likely that your tongue is being irritated by your toothpaste.

8. Painful sores

Painful sores are often caused by stress. Take time to relax and lower your stress levels!


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