miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014


Functions papaya seeds for the human body :

. 1 - To protect the kidney in renal failure seven seeds of papaya chew 3 times daily .

Two . Against intestinal parasites are dried and ground . The powder is boiled in water and then can be sweetened with honey. Consume a glass two or three times daily .

. 3 - Promotes liver : if you suffer from cirrhosis can function as an alternative treatment . Should be ground five dry seeds and add a tablespoon of lemon. Take it twice a day for a month.

. 4 - Watch the digestive system : the papaya has antibacterial and anti -inflammatory properties, and also seeds , seed extract helps fight salmonella, staph and other infections. Chew seven seeds three times a day .

. 5 - To lose weight : you should know that eating papaya prevents the body from absorbing excess fat and accelerates the digestion process , so it could help reduce some of the fat grams in your body.

A balanced diet along with an exercise plan and eating for a while papaya seeds you could help abajar weight .

The first option is fasting morning takes 12 seeds as pills , then drink a tea leaf shells grapefruit quine do this for days and then start again.

The second option is agrégale morning grapefruit juice to a 15 or 20 fresh seeds , Swallow without chewing , in this case the seeds will help with digestion and weight loss.

Besides using papaya seeds for weight loss, this fruit can also be used to acquire the golden tan that I want , drink two glasses of papaya juice for three days before going to the beach

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