miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014


"Beings with Mystic Warriors Soul do not seek neither death nor conflicts They recognize these principles for seeking a peaceful world they lost in ancient times. The first step of a Being with Mystic Warrior Soul is to search, find your path and your tribe and humbly follow the teachings of a Master wise with humility, with Discipline with Respect and Serenity . One day the Supreme Consciousness will enter within themselves."

What is a Warrior?
Since ancient times there have been Warriors and perhaps they are of a different race, but very few of us understand what a Warrior is and the true Art of War. It is mistakenly believed that war is a struggle and conflict between people, tribes, peoples and nations ... they who have been called warriors are those skilled experts that, with the act of taking a weapon, show their affiliation with one group or another and go out to face off on the battlefield.
But that's the last thing that a Warrior could be.

Warriors now are not authentic and do not carry in them the principles of True Man, let alone the true Ancestral Warrior Code. The Warrior is built from within, because their strength and power lies in having conquered himself.

The beings with Warrior Soul will recognize these principles, because an Authentic Mystic Warrior does not seek death and conflict, he looks for that beautiful world full of life, knowledge and freedom lost in other times, and must first find his way with a teacher by his side, and Discipline, Serenity and peace will find their essence in his Interior.

In modern times anything can be grounds to produce a conflict, a fight or altercation. Young people are emboldened to anything that pose a threat to their ego.  They believe themselves to be warriors, thinking that brute force is all without considering the strength of mind and heart, and under the force of the Spirit connected to nature or the universe. They, the youth and many modern warriors, think the only thing needed is to be rash and risky, confusing risk and recklessness with courage and valor.

A Warrior never jumps at the first challenge, a warrior look and observes, and that observation strategy is born. The warrior has value or Courage, but also love and good treatment of others. Love is your Coach, Silence is your Mentor, Humility is your Master and your duo or sparring partner is honor ... for a Good Warrior knows that the fight against his worst enemies is being fought within himself.

Being a warrior is having the Force, but not physical and brutal force, but the Inner Strength to tame the Black Bull of your Ego, uncontrolled and impulsive. And with Humility, Devotion and Discipline, getting up every day with his fellow Tribe and go to bathe in the crystal clear river flowing down from the mountain, and then rush to see the rising sun. Knowing that behind the night always comes a new Dawn. Knowing that after a crash you can always get back up. And the act of waking up a Warrior will be with increased force and precision.


A warrior seeks not only to beat their External and Visible Enemies, he seeks the Force. The energy, skill, Love and Motivation to advance and climb the highest mountains, i.e. conquer Consciousness and overcome their Internal and Invisible Enemies as egos, fear , jealousy and envy.

A true warrior has to conquer the detachment. For this must struggle to leave the past and not look back behind. You must have the strength to get away from all that limits you and not let it grow, that which condemns and represses its progress. No matter if it’s things, situations or people. A warrior has the strength that comes from love, to see yourself and learn from your mistakes, bad attitudes and incompetence, and transform them into the push to be fair and balanced. And to support and defend those in need, those who are weaker than him and who need even build your strength.

A warrior has the strength to look beyond and unceremoniously must make good to succeed decisions. A true warrior is Noble and holds his nobility having clear a Cause, a noble Ideal. An object or really valuable and Noble Cause. He did not fight for land or power, because he knows that the Earth does not belong to anyone but Nature herself. And he knows that the greatest power is the connection it has with its intimate nature, its origin and the Sun.

A true warrior knows its mission and each achievement is a step to achieve it. Never advance to where it does not move forward. Neither will touch the lives of those beings who should not touch.
The real art is to become a true warrior and learn from the basics, such as keeping control of the body, your emotions, your feelings, thoughts, words and actions.

He is master of true Warrior Self, his Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit. Always aligning himself with the light path and finding balance. The Warrior Fight is constant, and once he has given his maximum on the battlefield and has conquered himself, it is then time to support others and show them the way has come.

Thus, the greatest enemy of an authentic Warrior Apprentice is not out, but this does not mean that there will not be external battles he’ll have to face, but 99 percent of the battles will be against his intimate enemy, we all carry within ourselves. Ancestral Warriors Great Lineages know they will one day have to face the final battle against the Great Enemy, that it is not within oneself the Lakotas call it Thoka or the Mapuche called it Wekufe , "Bad ", the external Enemy. But it will not be possible without taming your crafty mind and your cowardly heart, your body spoiled by comfort. Not giving in to your whims and random thoughts, overcoming your egos, your lack of mental and limiting beliefs about yourself and your control. Without Balance and Energy, without Courage and Love, without vision, intelligence and silence it is better not to try to face the Thoka, your ancestral enemy. Because the warrior knows all battle arenas of life, these external battles are just preparing for a day with a duty to confront ... only when you're ready and you've acquired the 12 values ​​and Powers of the Ancestral Warrior Code to be kept under the Law of Honor and Justice.

A Warrior knows that Honor is not fame, that this honor comes with Principles and Existence, Earth, Sky, Moon and Sun Nature and visible or invisible beings who accompany you, your companions on the road and one who woke you. Also with your guides and mentors. And a Warrior knows that Justice is not revenge, is balance in all the principles and life.

"Do not listen to the mediocre who to say to you ' can not '
Do not listen to the cowards who tell you ' play it safe '
Do not listen to suspicious that says ' I do not believe '
Do not listen to the idle who tell you ' do not work '
Do not even listen to the loser who says ' no try '

Just listen to the optimist who says ' advance you can '
Just listen to the brave people who tell you ' do not give up '
Listen to the smart one you invited to use the mind
Listen to the enthusiastic one cheering and giving encouragement
A high achiever is he who dreams the impossible

Listen to those who know the way to victory
They built worlds, empires, galaxies, suns
You 'll find the greatest treasure in life
The True Freedom , and the awareness of who you are
A total being, without borders, without limits, without misery”

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