sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014


I found this excellent ad from TOYOTA featured in the November 2014 O Magazine


On life's journey, attitude is everything.

You're going places. Literally and figuratively. You're pushing boundaries and pushing aside obstacles. Maybe you haven't charted your course yet, but you've never been more ready, more excited, and Toyota will be with you and every turn.

You've got an internal compass that will point you in the right  direction-you just need to tap into it. A journal can help. So pull out your pen and let's get started. Let's Go Places.

1.- Start writing about where you are in your life at this moment. Describe your life, your work and your relationships. Are you where you want to be?

2.- Ask yourself what your ideal life looks like. Write about what truly makes you happy and the possibilities for your future.

3.- Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by maintaining a daily list of things you appreciate and that keep you motivated. When you feel your progress has slowed, you can read through it for a boost.

4.- If there's something you are struggling with or an event that's disturbing you, write about it in the third person. This may give you distance and provide a new perspective.

5.- Always take stock. Look at how far you've come. It will give you the inspiration to take a step closer to your next life adventure.

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